Sky view factor
| import os
import topogenesis as tg
import pyvista as pv
import trimesh as tm
import numpy as np
import pickle
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
import resources.functions as f
# convert mesh to pv_mesh
def tri_to_pv(tri_mesh):
faces = np.pad(tri_mesh.faces, ((0, 0),(1,0)), 'constant', constant_values=3)
pv_mesh = pv.PolyData(tri_mesh.vertices, faces)
return pv_mesh
Import meshes
| envelope_path = os.path.relpath("../data/new_envelope.obj")
context_path = os.path.relpath("../data/immediate_context.obj")
# load the mesh from file
envelope_mesh = tm.load(envelope_path)
context_mesh = tm.load(context_path)
# Check if the mesh is watertight
Importing the envelope lattice
| # loading the lattice from csv
lattice_path = os.path.relpath("../data/envelope_lowres.csv")
envelope_lattice = tg.lattice_from_csv(lattice_path)
# creating the full lattice
full_lattice = envelope_lattice * 0 + 1
Importing the skydome
| # loading the skydome
skydome_path = os.path.relpath("../data/skydome.obj")
skydome_mesh = tm.load(skydome_path)
sky_sphere = tm.primitives.Sphere(radius=1, center=[0,0,0], subdivisions=1)
Sun vectors
Computing SVF vectors with skydome
| #adding normals of the dome to a numpy list
svf_vectors = np.array(sky_sphere.face_normals)
svf_vectors = svf_vectors[svf_vectors[:,2] > 0]
#checking how many rays to calculate
Visualize the skydome
| # initiating the plotter
p = pv.Plotter(notebook=True)
# fast visualization of the lattice
# adding the meshes
p.add_mesh(tri_to_pv(context_mesh), opacity=0.1, style='wireframe')
# add the sun locations, color orange
for loc in (svf_vectors * 250):
p.add_mesh(pv.Sphere(radius= 2, center = loc), color="#ffa500", show_edges=False, lighting = False)
# plotting
Compute intersection of sun ray with context mesh
Computing SVF vectors with skydome
| # Creating list of directions and rays for the SVF
converted_svf_vectors = svf_vectors.astype('float16')
sun_dirs2 = np.array(converted_svf_vectors)
vox_cens = full_lattice.centroids
ray_dir3 = []
ray_src3 = []
for v_cen in vox_cens:
for s_dir in sun_dirs2:
# converting the list of directions and sources to numpy array
ray_dir3 = np.array(ray_dir3)
ray_src3 = np.array(ray_src3)
# checking how many calculations to do for SVF
print("number of voxels to shoot rays from :",vox_cens.shape)
print("number of rays per each voxel :",sun_dirs2.shape)
print("number of rays to be shot :",ray_src3.shape)
Computing intersection
| # computing the intersections of rays with the context mesh for the SVF
tri_id3, ray_id3 = context_mesh.ray.intersects_id(ray_origins=ray_src3, ray_directions=ray_dir3, multiple_hits=False)
Aggregate simulation result in the sun access lattice
Compute percentage of time that each voxel sees sun
| # Same calculations, but for the SVF
# initializing the hits list full of zeros
hits4 = [0]*len(ray_dir3)
for id in ray_id3:
hits4[id] = 1
sun_count = len(sun_dirs2)
vox_count = len(vox_cens)
# initiating the list of ratio
vox_sky_acc = []
# iterate over the voxels
for v_id in range(vox_count):
# counter for the intersection
int_count = 0
# iterate over the sun rays
for s_id in range(sun_count):
# computing the ray id from voxel id and sun id
r_id = s_id + v_id * sun_count
# summing the intersections
int_count += hits4[r_id]
# computing the percentage of the rays that DID NOT have
# an intersection (aka could see the skydome)
sky_access = 1.0 - int_count / sun_count
# add the ratio to list
# converting the list of directions and sources to numpy array
vox_sky_acc = np.array(vox_sky_acc)
Store sun acces information in a lattice
| # Same calculation, but for SVF
# getting the condition of all voxels: are they inside the envelop or not
env_all_vox = full_lattice.flatten()
# all voxels sky access
all_vox_sky_acc = []
# v_id: voxel id in the list of only interior voxels
v_id = 0
# for all the voxels, place the interiority condition of each voxel in "vox_in"
for vox_in in env_all_vox:
# if the voxel was outside...
if vox_in == True:
# read its value of sky acces and append it to the list of all voxel sky access
# add one to the voxel id so the next time we read the next voxel
v_id += 1
# if the voxel was not inside...
# add 0.0 for its sun access
# convert to array
sky_acc_array = np.array(all_vox_sky_acc)
# Further info: for vectorized version of this code check:
# reshape to lattice shape
sky_acc_array = sky_acc_array.reshape(full_lattice.shape)
# convert to lattice
sky_acc_lattice = tg.to_lattice(sky_acc_array, full_lattice)
Computing intersection
| f.visualize(sky_acc_lattice, "Sky view", "../data/sky_view_lowres.png")
Write sky view field to csv
| # save the SVF latice to csv
csv_path = os.path.relpath('../data/sky_view_lowres.csv')
Interpolate lowres lattices to highres
Computing intersection
| # loading the lattice from csv
lattice_path = os.path.relpath('../data/envelope_highres.csv')
highres_lattice = tg.lattice_from_csv(lattice_path)
Define interpolation function
| def interpolate(lowres_field):
# loading highres lattice
highres_lattice_path = os.path.relpath('../data/envelope_highres.csv')
highres_lat = tg.lattice_from_csv(highres_lattice_path)
highres_lattice = highres_lat * 0 + 1
# line spaces
x_space = np.linspace(lowres_field.minbound[0], lowres_field.maxbound[0],lowres_field.shape[0])
y_space = np.linspace(lowres_field.minbound[1], lowres_field.maxbound[1],lowres_field.shape[1])
z_space = np.linspace(lowres_field.minbound[2], lowres_field.maxbound[2],lowres_field.shape[2])
# interpolation function
interpolating_function = RegularGridInterpolator((x_space, y_space, z_space), lowres_field, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None)
# high_res lattice
full_lattice = highres_lattice + 1
# sample point
sample_points = full_lattice.centroids
# interpolation
interpolated_values = interpolating_function(sample_points)
# lattice construction
interpolated_lattice = tg.to_lattice(interpolated_values.reshape(highres_lattice.shape), highres_lattice)
# nulling the unavailable cells
interpolated_lattice *= highres_lattice
return interpolated_lattice
Interpolate closeness lattice
| sky_acc_highres = interpolate(sky_acc_lattice)
# multiply with the original lattice to exclude the voxels outside the envelope
sky_acc_highres_lattice = sky_acc_highres * highres_lattice
Save interpolated field to csv
| # save the SVF latice to csv
csv_path = os.path.relpath('../data/sky_view.csv')
Visualize highres field
| f.visualize(sky_acc_highres, "Sky view", "../data/sky_view_highres.png")
| __author__ = "Shervin Azadi and Pirouz Nourian"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "1.0"
__url__ = ""
__summary__ = "Spatial Computing Design Studio Workshop on Solar Envelope"